On Saturday 26th Capalaba Motor Repairs opened up their doors for every man and their car to come and test how loud their engines could roar and how much power they could produce.

For just $60.00 CMR ran your car on their dyno; you received a full print out of your torque and power engine performance and they even put on a sausage sizzle and drinks – it was a great day!

The dyno was an inground dyno so there were no high angled ramps you had to get the cars on to; this was excellent for all the low riders!

The event attracted a wide range of cars from Nissan S14s, S15s, Evos, Commodores, RX8s and even an NX Coupe. Some producing very nice engine notes. They even threw on a Mazda 121 which nobody believed would make over 50hp but then had the crowd cheering when it pulled 52.8hp! It was very entertaining.

I got caught up in the excitement and decided to give my 350z a go which pulled 218.4hp; I was pretty happy with that since it’s a stock na and gave most of the turbo’s a run for their money. However it was clear who the crowd favourite was because when this car was reversed onto the dyno all the cameras came out. Jared Anderson’s 1998 Toyota supra took out the highest horsepower rating at 448.5 which was no surprise. The highly modified 6 speed supra with a GT42R turbo has pulled 500wrhp at 21psi; 11.6 at 125mph. It’s a very impressive machine!

The CMR Dyno Day was a very enjoyable day; it was welcoming to all types of cars and because of that it had a great fun atmosphere. If you’d like more information about Capalaba Motor Repair’s performance workshop please visit: www.capalabamotorrepairs.com

Capalaba Motor Repairs’ workshop located in Capalaba Brisbane.

Jared Anderson’s show stopper; 1998 Toyota supra waiting to go on the dyno.

Some of the cars on display at the dyno day.

One of the Skylines on the CMR inground dyno.

The performance results board.

CMR owner discussing the performance dyno results with Supra owner Jared Anderson.

My 2006 Nissan 350z having a go on the dyno.