Organising a charity event is something that moderators myself, Christina Lock, Jose Togle and Marco Contreras have wanted to do for some time.

2 nights ago we had a meeting with Sergio Capozzi from ALL STARS and after much discussion plans have been put into action.

Rather than organising one single event, we’ve decided to set up an umbrella organisation with a view to do multiple events in the year, all for different charity foundations.

We’re excited!

Our first event will be a car show where all the proceeds raised from owners of the cars on show, traders who will be invited to run stands and spectators will be donated to The Leukaemia Foundation.

Our first event will kick off in July 2013.

Please like our page and spread the news (much appreciated). Also, please get in touch if you’d like to get involved, we need all the help we can get!

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