I won’t lie to you. I was a Freshjive kid. Their California streetwear style reflected my skating background. They were still a bit underground in Australia when I started representing the gear. Besides from the ugly logo my 15-year-old self thought I was the coolest kid out. This was until I saw Daniel MacPherson on TV wearing the same pink Freshjive polo that I bought. That was the end of Freshjive for me.

A few years have passed since then and I still haven’t rekindled my relationship with the brand – the Daniel MacPherson incident really scared me. Until Justin sent me a link to the Freshjive blog saying ‘Check it!’ – I didn’t have high expectations – left it for 3 days before clicking on the link. Now I regret it.

Things seem to have changed since 2010 for Freshjive, dropping their ugly logo for a black box and looking into things a bit left field. Writing blog entries about the joy of breasts, Indian prostitution on a spiritual level, largest diamond heist in history, etc. the list goes on. Feeding your brain useless general knowledge that you’ll use while talking to a girl at a bar so she thinks you’re smart.

Along with changing the brand’s image, Freshjive have created a series of provocative and rebellious t-shirts. With screen prints of a nude model, Sabrine, for their NUDE STUDY line, as well as shirts titled BLUNT ROLL, TOO DRUNK TO FUCK and DOPE CRISIS. It’s definitely a drastic and refreshing change from their previous mainstream T designs.

It seems like Freshjive is back in the game – until some dickhead starts wearing it on TV and spoils it for everyone.
