Whilst Honda (the company) keeps pumping out crap cars which fail to pull at the heartstrings of die-hard NA is Best VTEC fans, it’s events like this week’s Inaugural Honda Nationals at Wakefield Park in Goulburn that keep the fan-boy blood flowing.

We’re talking old school cool. EG Civics and DC2R Integras clocking times faster than their capable chassis’ have ever clocked before. Whilst a 1.10 lap time was once upon a time considered to be quick, these days it’s the norm. The top 10 lap times were all sub 1:10. The fastest NA car clocked a 1:05 and the fastest car of the day clocked a 1:03.

Zen Garage contributor Steven Le was there to soak up the action:

For more visit: http://www.7tune.com/event-honda-nationals-2011-australia