It is hard to put on something that evokes change in the automotive industry without making noise when it gains traction. Front man, Adrian Velazquez started putting on a car event that gathers the community together for cars, merchandise from local businesses, and fun for the families that love cars or simply need something to do on a Saturday afternoon. When the city council earlier this year came to the event and enjoyed it then made it to the local Greensboro news. It was hard to throw a Low-KeyAF event.

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Having been a long-time car enthusiast I have seen a decline in the quality of time spent at car events and car meets. With this generation’s car enthusiasts, we are now met with hostile takeovers, people getting shot at meets, cars vandalized without a peep, and so on. When I attended the Low-Key Fall Meet this year, I noticed something that most meets today in automotive lack. It is the sheer quiet amongst the crowd that are looking at the prolific display of cars, the children enjoying food from the food trucks or local town’s restaurants, and vendors that have attended having smiles on their faces giving smiles to their customers. Both returning and new.

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I understand that this is not my typical car media feature. I understand that not many of today’s current enthusiasts may not understand where I am coming from because many would rather keep it as it sits. However there needs to be dire change in our automotive culture. There needs to be dire change in how we promote our car events and protect passion from going underwater. We all know that the government is not too kind to aftermarket support. If the generation of car enthusiasts above us and current can rally together to bring forth safer car meets and events to prevent takeovers. We as a community, we as a culture that has a passion for cars can make the automotive communities better. Adrian Velazquez (Low-k3y), Ranger Ramirez (Elite Tuner), Sam Rivera (Klean Exhibition), Mike Tolliver (Stancewars), Ian Baker (World Time Attack), Ross Maeshiro (Spocom), are some of the many names mentioned that help bring enthusiasts together for hours of entertainment, vendors selling their merchandise, and cars for us to see. Adrian, what you are doing for our North Carolina automotive community is an amazing thing. We appreciate you. We thank you.


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