It’s been a long time coming, Zen Garage needed a live mascot and to surprise to everyone at Zen, I (along with my partner in crime Breanna Espina our very own Zen Babe!) actually had something up my sleeve.

Breanna and I have been on the search for a new family member for some time, originally we were thinking a puppy, but we had to face the facts, 6 months of the year Breanna isn’t even in Australia and I can barely take care of myself, let alone a puppy.

So we found a happy medium, and now introducing ‘Santana’ the snake!

He’s a massive whimp, but being a snake that’s not exactly a bad thing. He likes snuggling up under his rock, or hanging out in his little tree. Especially enjoys the occasional mouse, and isn’t much of a drinker. The perfect baby boy (definitely more of a mummy’s boy) and new mascot to Zen Garage.