Today’s automotive scene is no longer just the people in your suburb, state or country. The internet has made our scene a worldwide community. E-famous cars and people are known worldwide for their cars, modifications and stories. This all sounds so good, we can gain knowledge from anywhere in the world! It’s all at our finger tips, but at what sacrifice?

The term ‘Hater’ has recently been thrown around like a hot potato, but what does it mean? In my opinion a hater is someone who simply can’t be happy for another person, their decisions, success or possessions. They make a point of exposing flaws. Some people mistake haters for simply being ‘jealous’, but that’s hardly the fact. They do not wish to be the person, decision, success or possession but rather the ‘hater’ just simply wants to knock the target down a notch.

In relevance to our scene, it could be about wheel choice, paint scheme, engine packages and in this articles case a car can only be a proud possession if it’s built, not bought. So why is a car that is built and then sold no longer allowed to be the token trophy of one’s possession? It seems stupid already when said like that.

I’m Sergio Capozzi; I currently reside in Sydney Australia. I’m the founder and owner of a new community based company known as “ALL STARS”. All Stars is an events organising brand, we organise car meets and Show ‘n’ Shines. Our company aims to unite diverse car cultures by bringing together the best of all makes, models and styles. In doing so we want to build a new scene, at the core of this scene are true automotive enthusiasts who have a real appreciation of engineering, functionality and pure old/new-school aesthetics and know how.

When setting up this business I purchased a Nissan Silvia (S15). Words can hardly explain this car, or the love I have for it. It was a passion project for the last owner; he owned this car for five years! Three of which the car was ‘in the build’ to become the statement it is today. Nearing the end of this build he lost interest, whether it was family, life, or God himself the owner thought it was time to move on.

I saw the car online and I contacted the owner straight away. I knew the car from the start of its build (thank-you internet), I knew all the workshops that helped put this masterpiece together and to me, it was perfect. My situation with starting a show business, I needed a car like this – so negotiations started, ended and what was his has now become mine.

Now people (haters) accuse me of not deserving the car, that I take credit for its build and demand appreciation for it. Hardly the truth, but on my side – Is the money I paid for it any less valuable than the money that paid for its modifications? At what point does a modified car become so modified that the next owner can’t ‘own’ it and make it their possession? When buying a 2nd hand home, is it ever your home or if you take pleasure in saying its own, should you be criticised that you didn’t build it? Suddenly the definition of a hater becomes relevant.

If people knew me they’d know I’ve built many cars by myself and with my family. If they took the time, they would find photos of cars in our collection with hand-crafted parts we built on a rickety old table with some basic tools. But instead they see photos of an S15; they see me with a smile ear to ear every time I talk about it, the pride in my smile that I own such a beautiful car. What they don’t see is a car with a purpose, a car that advertises what my business is about and well is doing it quiet well.

Sure I didn’t build my car. But I own it, I love it, I drive it and I use it to help for a future better scene…. and it’s not finished yet. Built or Bought; I love my car and it is ‘my’ car. I treasure its current state and I credit the last owner for all his effort, but my hard earned money and that name on its registration gives me the right to be proud of it. As any car enthusiast should be proud of their car.

Haters are going to hate, but for the few that read this and understand – we are building a better brighter automotive culture. As our world gets smaller and the exchange of information and opinions become easier, a scene where all that really matters is the happiness your car brings to you and the knowledge you can share with others.

There are all things we dislike, we aren’t all meant to get along nor are all going to like each other’s choice in make, model, paint, wheels, and engines. That is just human nature, but having respect for others and their passions is what makes us stop being individuals and starting being a real community.

Try not to hate.

Image by RLH Photography